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CALIFORNIA, United States

Aug 25, 2009

LOA Week 9: Tennis Serve WIP

Continued working on this Tennis serve animation tutorial by Jason Ryan... some clean up & added inbetweens for the first part bouncing the ball before the serve...
Its taking me more than It should, I guess because I decided not to follow the tutorial's sticky figures & have the character more closer to the 3D rig I'll be using later in maya...
It was tempting for me to spend more time giving it some nice rough render than having it just lines, which for future planning purposes I will keep it simple & without any shade or shadow...

more inbetweens for the second part tomorrow

My First PEARL JAM Gig

Not an animation related post, but It's one dream I had since I was a teenager & last night I had it come true... & since this blog is a record of my journey to make a bigger dream come true, I felt like posting this.

Yeah!!! Last night was so GREAT that I will never forget, It was my first time to see Pearl Jam live, "bless the day I moved from Jordan to the United States". The biggest events back home were Sting & Bryan Adams, and the funniest thing I remember when I was ushering for Bryan Adams show, people were so dumb they thought the guy tuning the guitar was Bryan Adams himself...

so since I've moved here I've been trying my best to see all my favorite bands live, I've seen Metallica, Slayer, Coldplay, No Doubt, but PEARL JAM had the best vibes... my soul was about to take off :D
I enjoyed the show & can't wait to see them again.

they played so many good songs, long great show I remember playing Corduroy, Black, Alive, Even Flow, State of Love & Trust, Better man, Daughter, Yellow Ledbetter, Porch, Nothingman, Do the evolution, Crazy Mary... & more

here's a sample that I found on youtube, I wish I can find betterman




Aug 23, 2009

LOA Week 8: Tennis Serve

I'm trying to get back to my animating routine, warming up to retaking class 3(which I passed but I don't feel I'm ready to start class4 so I'm retaking the class again)... school is on the corner, should start again end of september.

I stopped working on the walk cycle, I feel like starting something from scratch & I have this Tennis Serve tutorial by Jason Ryan, which I think is cool & exciting, both the rough 2D animation planning the shot for 3D,

This is just the rough key frames, tomorrow I will work on some clean up, then start the inbetweens...& the timing is not final yet... once I get this done then taking it to 3D

Aug 2, 2009

LOA Week 5: Walk Cycle WIP

I have added the breakdowns to the walk, this is not the final blocking, I need to tweak the poses, add more details & make sure everything is good before taking it to splines.
here's what I have so far in perspective,side, & front view.
Comments & critique most welcome